Friday 29 August 2014

Pesara Vada


Green Gram whole/Pesarlu:1 cup(soak over night or atleast 5-6 hours)
Green chilli 3-4
Jeera:1 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying
Coriander finely chopped

  • Drain the Water from soaked Green Gram and Add Green chilli and one onion Jeera salt and make a Thick paste to be able to make vadas(katcha patcha in the mixie)
  • Finely chop the remaining onion and add it to the above paste
  • Add coriander to the above paste
  • Heat oil in Kadai and make small Vadas with hand and deep fry them

Yummy Pesara vada is ready to be served. Can be accompanied with Non veg gravy or peanut chutney. Perfect for Rainy evenings.
Pesara Vada

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